Pros And Cons Of Using A Hanging Room Divider

If you have a number of large spaces in your home, this is often a desirable design element. However, there may be one or more reasons that you want to divide one of these spaces into two sections, and this can have you searching for the right room divider. Lots of homeowners use folding dividers that they simply set up in a desired location, but this isn't your only option. Another choice is to install a hanging room divider. They're available in many styles and hang from the ceiling, rather than sit on the floor. Here are some pros and cons of a hanging room divider.

Pro: It's Unique

Most people who seek to divide a large space in their home use a floor divider, which means that if you're going to install one that hangs from the ceiling, it will give your home a unique look. This can be ideal if you're someone who favors unique interior design features and is always looking for something that is a little out of the ordinary. If you entertain people in your home frequently, they'll likely appreciate the unique look of the divider, too.

Con: It's Not Ideal With Children

If you have children, a hanging room divider might not be your best choice. They'll often be enticed to push it as they walk past, causing it to swing back and forth. This might not sound like a big deal, but the room divider may bump into things depending on where you have it set up. Additionally, frequent movement of this type may loosen the fittings in the ceiling, causing it to eventually fall.

Pro: It's Easy To Clean Around

Room dividers that sit on the floor can be a hassle on cleaning day, as they can get in your way when you're vacuuming. If you want to do a thorough job, you may feel compelled to move the divider out of the way, which obviously requires time and effort. This won't be an issue with a hanging room divider, as it doesn't sit on the floor and is thus easy to clean under and around.

Con: It Requires More Installation

When you set up a room divider on the floor, the biggest part of the job is to decide exactly where you want it. Once you've made this decision, setting up the divider takes only seconds. Conversely, installing a hanging divider is a fairly extensive job. Not only will you need to find an overhead stud in which to drill, but you'll also need to use heavy hardware to ensure that the divider stays in place.

Contact an interior designer in your area for more information.

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transforming your bedroom into a serene spot

Do you find it difficult to unwind in your bedroom at the end of a long day? Have you ever thought that it could be the way that your bedroom is decorated that could be causing your difficulties? The truth is, the color of the walls, the texture of the flooring and the decor spread throughout the space could be impacting how well you can rest in your bedroom. This blog is about transforming your bedroom from a place that is impossible to relax in to a serene, calming area that you will love to come home and unwind in.
