Three Creative Home Decor Ideas For Your Empty Glass Bottles

A good wine bottle or a good dessert topping, such as bourbon maple syrup is a great treat to have, even on a regular basis. Once you are done with the wine or dessert bottle, you may be looking for a place to throw it away or recycle it. Instead of doing either of these things, you can reuse these bottles. Here are some home decor ideas to reuse your empty glass bottles instead of leaving them out by the dumpster. 

Create a bottle chandelier

Everyone can use a little mood lighting in their home. When looking for some ways to light up a room without your customary lamps., you can create a chandelier with the empty bottles. Start by cutting the bottoms from the bottles and sanding the bottom down so that it is smooth. Insert string lights inside of the top of the bottle and extend them to the middle of the bottle. Connect several bottles with rope or with a chandelier set that can hold the top rim of the bottles. 

Paint them for vases

Buying vases are unnecessary when you have empty glass bottles. Buy paint in a color that you enjoy and would go well with your current color scheme. Paint from mirrored paint to glitter paint is available for commercial purchase by consumers. Take a few empty glass bottles and paint them in the color that you enjoy. Be sure to use several coats so that the glass is totally covered. Sit the vases around your home and add flowers. Painted glasses will make a perfect holder for the pop of color that flowers provide. 

Turn them into kitchen product holders

Wine glasses are an excellent addition to any kitchen. Rinse the wine bottles thoroughly and remove any labels from the outside of the bottle. Add products such as vinegar, soap, cooking oil, and other products that you can use and bottle inside of the kitchen. Add a small chalkboard sticker to the outside of each bottle and write what you have inside of the bottle on the label. This makes the wine holder reusable. The best thing about creating a kitchen food and condiment holder with wine bottles is that you can also reuse the corks to close the bottle. Using old glass bottles as holders for food products will also help the environment, as you may be able to refill the wine bottle in stores, rather than taking a package that is made of plastic.  

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transforming your bedroom into a serene spot

Do you find it difficult to unwind in your bedroom at the end of a long day? Have you ever thought that it could be the way that your bedroom is decorated that could be causing your difficulties? The truth is, the color of the walls, the texture of the flooring and the decor spread throughout the space could be impacting how well you can rest in your bedroom. This blog is about transforming your bedroom from a place that is impossible to relax in to a serene, calming area that you will love to come home and unwind in.
