How To Refinish Hardwood Floors

Restaining your floors is a messy and time consuming yet ultimately very rewarding remodel. It is a great DIY project for homeowners who are ambitious enough to take it on. Even though the work can be grueling, it is not technically difficult. That is, you don't need many special tools or skills to get it done. This article explains the process for the refinishing and restaining of hardwood. It should help you determine if it is a job you want to take on, or if you will just hire pros.

Removing the Old Stain

When it comes to tiring, backbreaking work, removing the old stain is definitely the hardest part. That is, it require a lot of getting down on tour hands and knees, using your muscles, and getting dirty. Most people will just remove their existing stain using handheld power sanders. These are cheap and you might already own them. If you have a few sanders, you can have a few people sanding at once. You also have the option of renting a standup drum sander (assuming you don't own one). These allow you to stand up and remove most of the stain quickly, but you still need handheld sanders to reach the tight corners. Drum sanders are heavy and awkward to operate, so they don't necessarily make the job that much easier.

Applying Multiple Coats and Using Steel Wool

One of the most important steps in staining hardwood, is using steel wool to smooth out the surface after each layer of stain is dry. This means you need to wait several hours for the stain to dry, buff it down with steel wool, clean up the dust, and then apply the next coat. Most floors will require at least two or three stain coats for a more permanent finish. This means that the actual stain application will take a couple of days. Just be patient because smoothing out the surface between each coat is essential if you want your finish to last longer.

You'll be amazed how a new stain on your hardwood can completely change how it looks. Learning to do this simple work yourself will definitely enable you to make the project more affordable. You might be able to do the entire project, or you might just want to do one part. For instance, you could remove your old stain and then have professionals come in and apply the new stain.

To learn more, contact a company like Fiore Decor.

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transforming your bedroom into a serene spot

Do you find it difficult to unwind in your bedroom at the end of a long day? Have you ever thought that it could be the way that your bedroom is decorated that could be causing your difficulties? The truth is, the color of the walls, the texture of the flooring and the decor spread throughout the space could be impacting how well you can rest in your bedroom. This blog is about transforming your bedroom from a place that is impossible to relax in to a serene, calming area that you will love to come home and unwind in.
