What To Know When Having A Picture Framed

If you have pictures or pieces of art that are extremely valuable either monetarily or emotionally, it is important for you to ensure that these photographs or artworks are protected. Having them framed can be one of the best ways of achieving this goal. Here are answers to several important questions you may have if you are having a picture framed for the first time.

Is It Difficult To Have Oddly Shaped Pictures Framed?

It is not uncommon for many pictures to have relatively unusual dimensions. This may seem like it will make it extremely difficult to find a frame that will fit these pictures. However, it is relatively simple for a picture framing service to be able to construct a custom frame. In addition to allowing you to ensure that your picture is kept secure, having a custom frame made will also allow you to choose the type of wood and finish used, among other aesthetic options, so that you get the perfect frame for your particular picture.

Will Framing A Picture Damage It?

It is often assumed that the process of framing a picture will result in it suffering some damages. Often, this belief is due to the assumption that the picture will be anchored in place by an adhesive backing. However, this is not necessary as a properly fitted frame will be able to naturally hold the picture in place without the need for adhesives. Individuals may also assume that these pictures will be damaged by excess humidity causing condensation to form on the glass, but framing services will often include a back that wicks away moisture to help eliminate this potential risk.

How Can You Ensure The Picture Hangs Evenly?

When you go to hang your picture, you may struggle with getting it to hang evenly. Unfortunately, frequently adjusting the picture may make it more likely to accidentally fall to the ground and suffer damage. Also, you may damage your wall from the nail repeatedly shifting positions as you adjust the picture. To help you hang your framed picture perfectly the first time, you should always use two nails, and you will need to space them at least an inch apart. The additional nail will help to support the weight of the frame, which can make it easier to level. After you have placed the picture on the wall, you should look at it from different distances and angles as this will help you to easily verify that it is level.

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transforming your bedroom into a serene spot

Do you find it difficult to unwind in your bedroom at the end of a long day? Have you ever thought that it could be the way that your bedroom is decorated that could be causing your difficulties? The truth is, the color of the walls, the texture of the flooring and the decor spread throughout the space could be impacting how well you can rest in your bedroom. This blog is about transforming your bedroom from a place that is impossible to relax in to a serene, calming area that you will love to come home and unwind in.
